The wisdom and political positions of Abraham Lincoln, though expressed 150 years ago, stand as 21st Century guideposts to redirect both the Republican Party and modern day American politics, according to the newly formed Idaho Lincoln Institute, a Boise-based non-profit.
What did Lincoln say or do? Using internet site “” interested citizens can find a summary of Honest Abe’s approach to federal lands, national defense, international trade, the war against terror and forty seven other contemporary issues. Those include Lincoln on “The 2016 Presidential Campaign and Candidates,” on “Immigration” and on “Black Lives Matter.”
The Institute was created by Dave Leroy, former Idaho Lt. Governor and Attorney General and Lincoln scholar. The Institute will do opinion research, public education and political presentations on modern issues and Lincoln’s views in coming months.
“I am concerned that today’s political parties and politicians are long on rhetoric and short on fundamental principles. Lincoln would coach us to focus on five goals: restore the Republic, revere the Constitution, demand fiscal responsibility, unleash free market prosperity and protect
individual rights,” Leroy said.
The Institute website does note that taking early day quotes and assuming they would necessarily be Lincoln’s position’s on complex modern day issues can be problematic. “However, certain elements of his simplicity, morality, logic and instinct are timeless,” advises the website.
“We need more Lincoln, and less divisiveness and stalemate to reinvigorate the Republicans and rally the County,” Leroy said. “The Lincoln of yesterday would not suffer the problems of today without taking vigorous, focused, responsive actions, were he in Congress or the White House now.”
The Institute will be appointing an Advisory Board and begin fundraising in the near future. For further information contact:
David H. Leroy, Idaho Lincoln Institute, P.O. Box 92, Boise, Idaho 83701, (208) 342-0000, .